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<< Назад       Заблокирован сайт

Вопрос: По какой причине заблокировали сайт http://*.*/ ?

Здравствуйте. на Вас была жалоба

Dear hosting company.

On your servers hosted website "rockruss.ru" , violate our copyrights.

All sites tested for:
- Have a script DLE
- No license DLE and no activation of the license key
- Violations of the terms of use free demo version
http://dle-news.ru/demo.html mean breaking the code, which also
infringes copyright

Please take appropriate measures to address the site owner of copyright
infringement, namely the site blocking to eliminate violations.
You have the right to ask the client documents for the right placement
of the content management system on the site.

It should be noted also that, in accordance with the legislation of the
Russian Federation bears the burden of proving the circumstances of the
party that they are referenced. That is, the site owner should provide
you with supporting documents about the presence of a licensed version
of the program, otherwise, without providing supporting evidence, it is
believed that the owner of the website uses unlicensed content.
This site illegally used and / or distributed computer program «DataLife
Engine», registered in the registry under №********** computer programs
April **, **** the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents
and Trademarks. Exclusive rights to distribute programs owned by
"SoftNews Media Group," according to a license agreement №LTS***-* on
April **, **** This program is a content management system (CMS), which
operate under the control of these sites.
Please be informed that Art. ****.* of the Civil Code establishes
liability information broker (Hosting Service Provider) for failure to
take the necessary and sufficient measures to stop the violation of
intellectual property rights, after receiving the application owner for
violation of intellectual property rights with an indication of the site
and (or) network address in the network "Internet".
Based on the above, please take proactive measures to eliminate
violations of the law, up to block the site.

Below is the text of a letter sent by the administrator of the site on
which the elimination of violations of copyright law was not followed.
Text of the letter:
Dear Sirs,
Your site is based on a computer program «DataLife Engine». Maybe you do
not know, but this program is copyrighted and protected by Russian and
international legislation, registered in the registry under №**********
computer programs April **, **** the Federal Service for Intellectual
Property, Patents and Trademarks. Unfortunately, you use an unlicensed
version, thereby violating the author's rights. LLC "SoftNews Media
Group" is the holder of an exclusive license to the computer program
«DataLife Engine», according to the contract concluded with the
copyright holder№ЛЦ***-* on April **, ****.
In connection with the amendments of **/**/**** which entered the
Federal Law № ***-FZ "On information, information technologies and
information protection" we have the right to go to court to block your
site because of illegal use of computer programs (the use of unlicensed
software version) .
Based on this, we invite you to resolve this situation in the pre-trial
order with minimal cost on your part.
Based on this, we ask you to stop infringement of intellectual property
rights, namely, use licensed version of the computer software program
«DataLife Engine». To do this you need to pay a license on our website
http://dle-news.ru/index.php?do=buy , which costs **** rub.
After payment, please, inform us on e-mail: EMAIL that you
have purchased a license for the Program, specifying the domain and
account on site http://dle-news.ru/ for which you purchased the Program.
It is necessary to remove your address from the database of illegal copies.
We hope for your understanding and stop of copyright infringement.
Also, the use of illegal copies of our programs can pose a substantial
threat to the security of your site and lead to unauthorized access to
your site and its malicious user since very often in the distribution
downloaded is not officially intruders entered various backdoor,
allowing to carry out unauthorized access to the site.
Otherwise, discharging is distributed by fourteen (**) days, we're going
to stop the illegal use of your computer programs «DataLife Engine» and
for this we will:
*. we will ask the hosting provider to shut down your site
*. we will be forced to use judicial measures of protection
If you have any questions, you can contact our email EMAIL.
It should be noted that the use of illegal copies of our program is not
only a violation of our rights and laws of the Russian Federation, but
also can be a significant threat to the security of your site and lead
to unauthorized access to your website by hackers and hacking, as very
often in the distribution downloaded is not officially introduced
various backdoor by attackers, allowing to carry out unauthorized access
to the site.
We hope for your understanding.

The administration of "SoftNews Media Group"

мы выслали Вам уведомление, т.к. вы не отвечали более суток аккаунт был заблокирован.

так же вам высыалось уведомление о переносе и новые неквизиты.

вся почта высылалась на EMAIL

Вопрос: И что теперь вы блокируете сайты которые на dle?

на вас поступила жалоба. вы должны были хотя бы открыть тикет , мы ждали более суток.

так же убедительная просьба чать вниматьельно ответы техподдержки и проверять почту

Вопрос: Я видел письмо от dle*.*. И они постоянно шлют). Хорошо, я открыл тикет. Что делаем)? Как решить эту проблему?

Вам сообщили- Вам высланы новые рекивзиты. Вы их получили?

Вопрос: да, получил.

измените днс

Вопрос: Ок, спасибо

в случае повторной жалобы мы ничего гарантировать ен можем

Вопрос: Добрый день, на новый хостинг нужно переносить все сайты? http://*.* прописал новые днс * часа назад до сих пор не заработал.

Среднее время обновления ДНС **-** часа и зависит от вашего провайдера.

Вопрос: на новые ДНС нужно переносить все сайты?

да, на все сайты новые днс

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