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<< Назад       Ошибка сайта

Вопрос: Вчера отвалился сайт и не доступен.*. *.

Проверьте пожалуйста сейчас.

Вопрос: В очередной раз недоступны сайты на сервере (


Услуга приостановлена в связи с поступлением жалобы на один из Ваших сайтов

On ** Feb **:**, notice******@irt.riskiq.net wrote:

Dear Sir or Madam, 


We are writing to bring to your attention that the website using the

domain name, yomart[dot]ru, which is registered with REGRU-RU and hosted by

HETZNER-AS , DE, IP Address: ***.***.***.*, is being used for a phishing

attack that is endangering the public safety by attempting to fraudulently

obtain personal and or sensitive data from Internet users by impersonating

a trusted entity. 


Specifically, the following URL(s) on yomart[dot]ru have been observed

being used for phishing: 




Now that you are aware of the phishing attack identified above, we request

that you enforce your terms of service by immediately suspending,

disabling, or otherwise cancelling the domain name or website in order to

mitigate the damages that will inevitably otherwise result. 


We have a good faith basis to believe that the URL(s) identified above are

being used to host phishing content as prescribed under your terms of

service, and we have the authority to act on behalf of the trademark

holders being impersonated regarding this matter. 


Thank you, in advance, for your anticipated cooperation. 




American Express Company <*>


<p>Dear Sir or Madam,  </p><p></p><p> We are writing to bring to your attention that the website using the domain name, yomart[dot]ru, which is registered with REGRU-RU and hosted by HETZNER-AS , DE, IP Address: ***.***.***.*, is being used for a phishing attack that is endangering the public safety by attempting to fraudulently obtain personal and or sensitive data from Internet users by impersonating a trusted entity.  </p><p></p><p> Specifically, the following URL(s) on yomart[dot]ru have been observed being used for phishing: </p><p></p><p>  hxxps://yomart[dot]***global.americanexpress.com-login-en.USnoRedirect.trueDestPage.Fdashboard***myca   </p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p> Now that you are aware of the phishing attack identified above, we request that you enforce your terms of service by immediately suspending, disabling, or otherwise cancelling the domain name or website in order to mitigate the damages that will inevitably otherwise result.  </p><p></p><p> We have a good faith basis to believe that the URL(s) identified above are being used to host phishing content as prescribed under your terms of service, and we have the authority to act on behalf of the trademark holders being impersonated regarding this matter.   </p><p></p><p> Thank you, in advance, for your anticipated cooperation. </p><p></p><p> Sincerely, </p><p></p><p><a href="American">*">American Express Company</a></p>

Вопрос: Фишингом не занимаемся, и вирусов на сайте нет, сможете дать доступ чтобы вытащит бекап.
Ответ: кто чеще имеет доступ к акаунту? прсотые ли стоят пароли?
Вопрос: Пароли стоят сложные, доступ к аккаунту имею я и менеджер
Вопрос: предоставьте пожалуйста доступ к панели управления

Вам нужно сменить NS для домена.

Необходимо убрать домен с нащих NS, после чего досутп будет предоставлен.

Вы можете подключить домен к Cloudflare.

Вопрос: Сменил *

Доступ открыт.

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